Sunday, July 21, 2013

Artist's Block

I've had awful artist's block lately. Or maybe it's adult ADHD because I can never settle my mind down long enough to concentrate on just one thing that I'd like to create.   My mind goes from one subject to the next at lightening speed and when I'm done I'm so confused about what I want to do that I don't do anything.   And what medium to use only complicates things even more. So when that happens I usually just go buy some more art supplies to clear my head. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

I'm a dabbler at heart and like so many mediums that I can't say that I am a watercolor artist, pen and ink lover, mixed media maker or any other thing that anyone could identify me with. So I'm just going to show you a bunch of some of the things I like to do. Of course, these are all things that I had to slow down my mind long enough to concentrate and finish!

Watercolor painting of chives

Acrylic painting of hot peppers

Whimisical whale using soft pastel background and ink

Painted rock using acrylics

Oil pastel painting on birch bark with a birch twig frame

Birch bark collage on a piece of reclaimed wood

Pressed leaves and wild flowers made into laminated bookmarks

Zentangle style ACEO in ink and acrylic paint

You can find all of my creations in either of our shops here MyHumbleJumble or here at TheRusticWoodshed