Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thanks to All of Our Emergency Workers

It seemed like everything I wanted to do couldn't be done.  I had no idea when I was a kid that we would be so dependent on technology someday that it could bring us to our knees.  Well, I'm being a little dramatic, but you get the idea. I couldn't ship any orders because I couldn't get into our online Etsy shop. I couldn't do any banking because the internet was down. I couldn't email anyone an e-card to tell them Merry Christmas because I had no email.  I couldn't even look up a recipe except in an old fashioned, real book, eek! no reviews? There was no television without cable.

So we had no internet or cable for a couple of days, but thankfully we had power until...just before Christmas dinner was fully cooked. Darn it, we almost made it. Well, the roast was done, but the roasted potatoes and carrots were not to the ideal done-ness. We made do. Then we hooked up the generator so that we could have heat and a light (we learned our lesson in the 1998 ice storm and bought a generator). We converted to a gas stove top a couple of years ago so we would be fine for cooking and most importantly, coffee! This storm wouldn't be as bad as the 1998 storm, but still, who wants to spend Christmas without our normal stuff like heat and lights.

But most importantly, I thought about all of the emergency workers who were giving up their Christmas to help out the rest of us.  The line workers who repair our power lines, the police who keep our roads safe, municipal employees who plow our roads, medical staff who fix our banged up bodies and everyone else that it takes to keep our world comfortable for us. Those folks who thought about the families who were having a cold Christmas without their normal everyday comforts. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are all heroes in our world.

So now I can have a nice cup of hot coffee and sit and look out the window. I'll watch all the birds flitting about in the icy trees that look like spun glass and sparkle in the sunlight. Thanks to all of our heroes.

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